Commonwealth Transportation Board awards contract for Route 58 Vesta widening project

Route 58 road winding through Patrick County

SALEM – The Commonwealth Transportation Board at its February 18 meeting in Richmond awarded a design-build contract valued at approximately $165 million to widen 4.5 miles of Route 58 in Patrick County in the Vesta area. The contract was awarded to Triton Construction Inc. of Virginia.

The Route 58 Vesta project begins near the Route 58 Business eastern intersection in Meadows of Dan and ends about 0.5 mile east of Route 610 (Cloudbreak Road).

In addition to widening Route 58 from two lanes to four lanes, the project includes replacing the existing bridge over the Dan River with two new bridges. The Vesta project adjoins the Lovers Leap widening project that is currently under construction.

This spring, Triton Construction will start taking soil samples and gathering other data needed to finalize the road design. Residents may notice temporary access roads and brush cutting.

Once the design is finalized, the Virginia Department of Transportation and Triton Construction are planning to host a citizens information meeting to provide the public with more details about the project and schedule. The meeting is anticipated to be held in early 2026.

Last updated: February 24, 2025

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